Guest Post

Blood Type Diet: Guest Post

Free blood type diet resources


This guest post features our August Event Speaker, holistic nutrition consultant Shelby Webb of Webb Wellness Consulting based in Nashville, Tennessee.  She’ll be giving us the 411 on blood type diets and the benefits of eating for your blood type on Thursday, August 25th at 6:30pm at the Attitude of Wellness Space (above the Urban Juicer on 8th Ave).  Event RSVP here:  EventBrite

I wanted to give you a sneak peak of what’s in store at the event, so I asked Shelby to share a bit about blood type diets.  A link to her full blog series can be found below as well.


By Shelby Webb, Holistic Nutrition Consultant

“Have you ever watched two people try the same diet and one of them fail and one thrive? Why does one person lose weight on a vegetarian diet and one gain weight?


Learning about the blood types allows us to choose the foods that are most efficiently digested, and therefore absorbed by our bodies. The blood type diets are a lifestyle solution for sustainable health and vitality. Your blood type affects how you digest food, how you respond to stress, your lifetime disease risk, what exercise is best for you, and certain aspects of your personality.


The blood type diets give you three lists for each food category (i.e. fruit, vegetables, and grains). The three lists are highly beneficial foods, neutral foods and avoid foods. Highly beneficial foods act like medicine. Neutral foods just act like food. Avoid foods act like poison. The best policy is to focus on highly beneficial and neutral foods.


There are 4 blood types: O, A, B and AB. O and A are by far the most common blood types.


Blood type diets work because they are sustainable. Instead of just focusing on what you’re not supposed to eat (as so many diets do), they help you deeply understand what you are supposed to eat and why, based on your individual blood type. We will cover many of the most frequently asked questions about the blood type diets, including: (1) what if my favorite food is on my avoid list?; (2) does the Rh factor (+ or -) affect the blood type diet I’m supposed to follow; and (3) will I lose weight on my blood type diet?
Come listen to my free talk on Thursday, August 25th at 6:30pm at Attitude of Wellness to begin learning the power of individualized nutrition and how it can help you live your best life. I’m going to give away one free at-home blood typing kit at the presentation. They will also be available for purchase for $9.95.”

You can read Shelby’s full blog series on traits of the blood types here:  Shelby’s blog 


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