Guest Post

Guest Post: Yoga Teacher Ann Sensing




Yoga girl beach

We Have a New Yoga Teacher!

For this week’s post, I asked our newest addition to the Attitude of Wellness lineup, Nashville yoga teacher Ann Sensing, to do a fun guest post.  I asked her to give us a flavor of her style of teaching and what you ladies can expect from a class with her.  Read on to get to know this awesome lady yoga practitioner we’ll be flowing with this week on Thursday 9/26 at 6:30 pm (sign-up HERE)…

Hi! My name is Ann, and I am thankful to be here.  I grew up in Franklin, Tennessee, and I moved to Nashville in 2010 after attending college in Louisiana.  After spending 6 years working in corporate business America, I decided to make a life change in order to live the life I truly want.  Out with sales, in with yoga!  Having always felt a deep connection to yoga and its many benefits, I knew there was more there if I wanted to dig for it.  So I did.  

I completed my 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Kona, Hawaii at the Shambhava School of Yoga to study under Sri Shambhavananda, my teacher.  Over the course of this 3 week immersion program, I bloomed into what I believe is the best version of myself.  Now I am teaching around town and always still learning, living life as happily and intentionally as I can.  This is a daily practice, of course 😉

My favorite style of yoga is hatha-based, with a flow of vinyasa woven in.  Structure and alignment of the body are extremely important to me, and supporting the health of the spine is always the priority in asana practice.  Flexibility is certainly not a requirement in yoga.  We start where we can and go from there.  Thats the beauty of it – anyone can do it because every physical body is different.  

So this Thursday, I will be teaching a Foundations Flow class where we will get re-acquainted and comfortable with the basic building blocks of yoga in order to create a personal physical foundation for you to build from.  I am looking forward to Thursday, and thank you for allowing me to join you!

Peace and Be Well,


p.s. here is the link again to the details page if you want to join us this Thursday:  LINK TO SIGN-UP

Custom aromatherapy blends (your choice of scents + Reiki energy infused) will also be available for purchase or pre-order from Attitude of Wellness so you can take the relaxing vibes home with you!

Bring your yoga mat + blanket + a gal pal and join us!

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